Writing into the Light

Living with Head/Brain Injury (TBI)



and http://www.lifeisgodsnovel.wordpress.com

“Sharing, supporting, informing,  enlightening, “entertaining”(??), encouraging, empowering, enriching, challenging, igniting, uplifting (and perhaps even) inspiring”

enough there for now, c!


“Success: how and the spirit with which you face, then overcome the daily obstacles, the frequent trials and tribulations along the often rocky path-way of life’s magical and mysterious journey. Light your path brightly…”


Best wishes from the First City to see the light


Share, encourage, uplift, inspire  and help spread HOPE, LOVE and LIGHT

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“Understanding brain injury is much deeper than knowing about brain injury…”

BooKs by cRaig loCk

via “Understanding brain injury is much deeper than knowing about brain injury…”

“We know ourselves best, living with the cognitive effects (daily). Health professionals may guide, but you are best placed to develop strategies that help us cope most effectively (to combat deficits)”




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Shining a light of hope in the darkest corners

Helping promote better understanding and awareness of what is often termed the silent epidemic (and/or “the hidden handicap”)

Inform, educate, inspire”

Share, encourage, uplift, inspire  and help spread HOPE, LOVE and LIGHT

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